


You need to be an accredited dentist before you can accommodate members for dental benefits availment.

You may visit the Accreditation page of this website for the availment process.

Once accredited with HPDAI your name, clinic address and contact information will be shared on the Health Partners Dental website and mobile application. This will also be printed on our Dentist Directory which is sent to our clients as reference.

A member must present proof of membership, either a Dental card, HMO card or Digital card indicating Health Partners as the dental provider. For verifications and approvals you may call (632)8711-0020/ : SUN : (+63922) 842-4514;SMART: (+63947) 896-4132; GLOBE: (+63917) 178-8409;

HPDAI shall pay for procedures done to members that are part of their dental benefits, or procedures approved by HPDAI. For services outside the dental plan, dentist shall charge the patient.

After every visit, patients must be asked to sign a dental availment form. This should be forwarded to HPDAI office no longer than 30 days from date of availment.

HPDAI will allow associate dentists to treat members following the same provisions of the Dental service agreement with the principal dentist. Clinic owner must forward credentials of associates to HPDAI.

Additional branches will be subject to the same accreditation process as with the main branch. All documents must be submitted and will be reviewed and subject for approval.

Dentist must submit updated documents with the new clinic address and will be reviewed and subject for approval.

The new owner/ Dentist must submit updated documents with the new clinic address and will be reviewed and subject for approval.